Careers Education and Information v2

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidence (CEIAG)

Careers Team

Mrs Smyth

Careers Leader

01483 485270

Mrs Mellor

Assistant Headteacher


Ms Sigrist

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Kovic

Director of Physical Development


Miss Exworth

Alternative Provision Coordinator


It is important that all students are fully supported and guided through the process of planning their futures. With a programme of education, information, advice and guidance for all students from Years 7-11 and a Careers Advisor, we aim to prepare our students well for their futures.

All the staff at The Winston Churchill School play an active role in preparing students for the world of work. We have a full  programme of careers education that is delivered through the curriculum, tutor time, working on the Winston competencies and skills and through special events such as the annual careers fair, national careers week, business interview preparation, career workshops and presentations, visits, trips and assemblies.

The school basis its careers provision around the Gatsby Benchmarks, which define what world class careers provision in education looks like and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision. The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from careers and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each student
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

All students:

  • develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their abilities and affinities
  • gain a greater knowledge of the range of opportunities open to them
  • take part in work related activities in and out of school
  • develop their understanding of the labour market and the requirements and expectations of employers
  • learn to make decisions wisely about their future
  • are prepared to manage change and be fully supported through key transition periods
  • learn how to improve their own employability: how to find work, how to get work and how to progress their careers.

Careers Programme

Year 7- Next Step

Students are supported in their transition from primary school into secondary school and through our Winston Competencies begin to learn more about themselves. During the year they complete self-assessments and target the skills they want to focus on. The Learning Review Evenings encourage parents to be part of this process and and this continues throughout their time at Winston.

Students register with UNIFROG, a digital careers platform and begin their online journey of careers support which again, continues throughout their time at school.

Year 8- Exploring Work

During Winston Extra, tutor time and careers events, students explore the world of work, gaining a greater understanding of employers' expectations, employability skills and the labour market.

A business led consultation allows students the opportunity, as part of their self-improvement work through Winston Extra, to talk to a representative from business and answer questions about themselves in order to breakdown the intimidating nature of an interview.

All students attend the careers fair with exhibitors from our local colleges, universities and employers. This gives students an opportunity to discuss future courses and career pathways.

Year 9 - Preparation for GCSE options 

During tutor time. sessions prepare students for the decisions they make in choosing their GCSE options. They learn more about how to make decisions wisely, understand more about the range and structure of their choices and are supported in this by 1:1 and/or group career appointments. They continue to work on UNIFROG, which enables them to explore strengths, skills and career pathways.

All students attend both the careers fair and the options fair with exhibitors from our local collages, universities and employers, and subject and provider stands at the options fair. This gives students an opportunity to discuss future courses and career pathways.

Year 10 - Make it Work 

Experiencing the world of work and employers' expectations is vital in moving towards employability. During Year 10 all students take part in a work related learning experience, working with employers from a range of sectors. The focus is very much on developing their employability skills. They are fully prepared for this with a series of preparation sessions during Winston Extra and tutor time. focusing on the Winston Competencies of communication. collaboration, ingenuity, resilience and analysis.

An important part of this process is for students to find their own work experience placement - this gives them valuable insight into the process of contacting employers using speculative letters and telephone calls and by submitting their CVs. Students complete a reflective journal which becomes valuable resource when completing their personal statement in Year 10 or application for apprenticeships/school leaver programmes at the end of Year 11.

Students have the opportunity to attend the careers fair with exhibitors from our local colleges, universities and employers. This gives students an opportunity to discuss future course and career pathways.

Over a series of tutor sessions and during Winston Extra lessons, students continue to work on writing a personal statement. A business led consultation allows students the opportunity, as part of their self-improvement work through Winston Extra, to talk to a representative from business and answer questions about themselves in order to breakdown the intimidating nature of an interview.

Year 11- Preparation for Progression 

Students undergo a programme of education, information and guidance to help them make the vital decisions about their future.

Our programme of study teaches them about effective decision making, explores their options and give support in making their applications. It covers the full range of routes into their future including sixth form, FE college, apprenticeships and school leaver programmes. This is supported by 1:1 careers interviews. All students attend the careers fair with exhibitors, including local colleges, universities and employers. This gives students an opportunity to discuss future courses and career pathways.

Careers information on Frog

Sign into Unifrog here



Provider Access Arrangements


The provider access legislation (PAL) specifies schools must provide at leave four encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education for all their students:

  • Two encounters for pupils during the 'first key phase' (year 8 or 9) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend.
  • Two encounters for pupils during the 'second key phase' (year 10 or 11) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend.

Management of provider access requests 


A provider wishing to request access should contact Mrs L Smyth, Careers Leader.

Telephone 01483 485270 Email:

Opportunities for access 

A number of annual events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers. In addition, form time. assemblies and careers interventions during the year, allow for access opportunities

Year 7


Careers Fair World Book Week
Year 8


Careers Fair World Book Week Business Interviews
Year 9 Careers Fair National Careers Week

World Book Week

Year 9 Options Fair

Year 10 Careers Fair National Careers Week

World Book Week

Work Experience Week

Technical/vocational tasters at local college/s, training providers

Business Interviews

Year 11


Careers Fair World Book Week

We welcome all colleges, training providers and apprenticeship providers and would encourage visits during our main access periods i.e. the annual Careers Fair, National Apprenticeship Week, National Careers Week and the Year 9 Option Fair . By being present regularly during these times, prior to Year 11, students will become more familiar with your provision, in readiness for their transition after Year 11. We will do our very best to facilitate alternative opportunities should you not be able to attend these.

Please speak to our Careers Leader to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.

Premises and facilities 

The school aim to ensure that the main hall, discovery space, performance space, classrooms or private meeting rooms are available for discussions between provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will aim to ensure that available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader or a member of their team.

Live online encounters are accepted, however in person encounters are preferred.

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature at the Careers Library, which is managed by the school librarian. The Library is available to all students before and after school also at lunch and breaktimes.

Previous providers

Providers who have been invited to the school include: Woking College, Farnborough 6th,  Farnborough College of Technology, Brooklands, Fullbrook 6th, SJB, Gordon's School, Activate Learning, Godalming College, Hoe Valley 6th Form, MIT skills. ALPS Apprenticeships, Waverley Borough Council Apprenticeships, SCL.


Any complaints with regards to provider access can be raised by following the school complaints procedure by emailing the head teacher at or directly with The Careers & Enterprise Company at .


The Winston Churchill School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Further information can be found at Safeguarding – The Winston Churchill School (

Information for students, parents, carers and teachers

The principle Winston Churchill CEIAG can be found on our FROG Careers site.

Parents may access the FROG Careers site at for general information on careers, useful careers websites, information on colleges, open days, virtual open days, universities, apprenticeships, Labour Market Information, virtual talks, Work Experience, CV writing, interviews and application forms.

All students have access to the Unifrog digital careers platform from year 7-11. You can explore future career and study options at school or at home. Login at

Students can visit the Careers Library in Discovery Space of information on options, to collect college prospectuses, apprenticeship information and look at useful books on a multitude of different careers, industries and further and higher education establishments.

Please ensure that you access your FROG messages for career opportunities that arise throughout the year.